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Statement by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Ajit Kumar on 20.1.2016 on 2nd Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Belgium during the UPR Working Group in the 24th Session (18-29 January 2016)

Permanent Mission of India, Geneva


Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group
24th Session (18-29 January 2016)


2nd UPR of Belgium- Interactive Dialogue
Wednesday, 20th January 2016, 14:30 -18:00


Statement by H.E. Mr. Ajit Kumar, Ambassador & Permanent Representative of India to UN and other International Organizations


Mr. President,


1. India extends a warm welcome to the delegation of Belgium and thanks the delegation for its comprehensive presentation.


2. We commend the efforts towards awareness-raising of human rights issues through media and training of judges, police, and other professionals. We also take note with appreciation of the fact that Belgium is up-to-date with the submission of its periodic reports to the treaty bodies.


3. We recommend an early establishment of a national human rights institution in Belgium.


4. We note with concern the reported use of excessive force by law enforcement officials especially police brutalities against the immigrant communities.


5. We recommend an early and adequate action to curb structural discrimination against persons of foreign origin in the field of employment. We urge the government to address issues relating to intolerance against migrant communities, asylum seekers and ethnic minorities including the Roma community. In this regard, we request the delegation to share the details about the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy.


Thank you, Mr. President.

