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Statement by India at the UPR of Sudan on 04 May 2016

Permanent Mission of India, Geneva
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group
25th Session (02-13 May 2016)
2nd UPR of Sudan – Interactive Dialogue
Wednesday, 04 May 2016, 09.00 am – 12:30 pm
Statement by India
Mr. President,

India welcomes the delegation of Sudan led by H.E. Mr. AwadElhassanElnourKhalifa, Minister of Justice of Sudan.

2.      We commend Sudan’s cooperation with the international human rights mechanisms including the treaty bodies. We also welcome the adoption of a series of legislative measures in the recent past that have a direct bearing on the promotion and protection of human rights in Sudan.

3.      We appreciate the creation of frameworks and mechanisms by the Government of Sudan to safeguard the interests of women and girls such as the 5-year action plan to combat violence against women and special focus on the education of girls. We are confident that the Government of Sudanwill continue its efforts towards ensuring gender equality in the field of education, health and employment.

4.      We appreciate the efforts of Government of Sudan in combating female genital mutilation, and its acknowledgement of the persistent challenges due to prevailing cultural norms and traditional practices.We would appreciate if the Government of Sudan could share information on measure taken to effectively address social attitudes that sustain such harmful practices.
5.       We welcome the creation of a coordinating council for human rights headed by the police and will be happy to receive more details about its functioning.

6.      We welcome the ratification of CRPD and encourage Sudan to fully implement the strategic plan for economic empowerment of persons with disabilities. We encourage Sudan to continue its efforts towards ending recruitment of children in armed conflicts and also to continue the innovative educational solutions designed for people in remote areas.

7.       We wish Sudan all success in the full realization of its decade-long National Plan to Promote and Protect Human Rights.
Thank you Mr. President.
