Statement by Ambassador Arindam Bagchi, Permanent Representative at the International Trade Centre Meeting: Ambassador-level discussion on the G20 Jaipur Call for Action for enhancing MSMEs' access to information, Geneva 20 June 2024
Madam Executive Director, Excellencies and distinguished Colleagues,
First of all, let me apologize to all present as I would be leaving immediately after my statement due to another pressing official engagement. My colleague Gaurav will assist on my behalf for further conversations.
- Now coming to this very timely and important meeting organized by ITC on Jaipur call of Action, let me recapitulate a bit and underscore the logic that led us to select this issue as a possible outcome of the Trade and Investment Track of the G20 during India’s Presidency.
- MSMEs, as you are all aware, shape the future of the business world. In emerging markets, they are the engines of export, drivers of job rich growth, support big business through ancillary clusters and are the flag bearers of private entrepreneurship and innovation. The growth of MSMEs in any emerging economy, in many ways, reflects the dynamism of that economy. In India, there are about 36 million MSME units, which employ 80 million people, give 45% of industrial output and 40% of exports, and are 22% of India’s GDP.
- When initial discussions were undertaken on this subject, we realized that MSMEs from developing and the least developed countries (LDCs) faced serious issues in integrating with international supply chains due to lack of relevant and actionable information about markets and conditions for export in destination markets. While relevant data and information already existed, it was rarely accessible in a manner desired by the concerned MSMEs. During subsequent discussions, we also realized that latest technology could be leveraged for a more efficient, accessible, interactive and user specific experience.
- We therefore believe that following issues should be of highest priority in discussions on upgradation of the Global Trade Help Desk (GTH):
- One, ensure that the relevant trade information, such as price data, regulatory issues, compliance standards, shipping related information, a verifiable list of business partners etc. is available and is updated regularly. This would entail extensive mapping and on-boarding of relevant country specific information. GTH in its current forms does not have all the required information. We should also be conscient of the fact that the requirement of MSMEs in various economies may be different and therefore different data sets may be desired by MSMEs from different countries.
- Two, enhancing accessibility of available information in a manner that it is easily understandable to the MSMEs. This would be language and country specific and should be processed in consultation with the concerned countries;
- And lastly, to explore what would be the best possible model for implementation of the information dissemination system that would finally be interacting with MSME users.
- It is clear from various discussions that no one size would fit all. Given that every country has its own language, and different requirements, we could also explore the possibility of decentralizing the information dissemination system/ trade help desk portal. This means that the information dissemination system interface could be designed by each country based on its own requirements and leverage the rich data sources of ITC at the back-end. This would give greater flexibility to the countries in design of their own system based on specific language requirements and accessibility criteria.
- We understand that ITC is in touch with relevant Ministries in India on these aspects and that the Indian side has listed out its own set of specific requirements after consultations with Indian MSMEs.
- We are hopeful that Brazil, as the current G20 chair would take these discussions forward and work on a constructive solution that finally benefits the MSMEs, particularly from developing economies and least developed countries in integrating with global supply chains. We look forward to working with ITC on a detailed implementation plan on the Global Trade Help Desk.
I Thank you.