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Statement by India during the Development Partners Meeting in support of the International Labour Organization's work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) as delivered by Ambassador Priyanka Chauhan, Deputy Permanent Representative (Geneva, 10th June 2024) during the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference

Statement by India during the Development Partners Meeting in support of the ILO’s work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) as delivered by Ambassador Priyanka Chauhan, Deputy Permanent Representative during the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference

(Geneva, 10th June 2024)

Thank you, Madam Chair 

  1. I would like to firstly thank the co-facilitators, and the ILO team for a very informative presentation.

Excellencies, Distinguished Colleagues,

  1. The situation in Gaza is of utmost concern to all of us. The loss of lives, particularly of women and children, is unprecedented. The destruction of physical infrastructure, loss of livelihoods, and the emotional trauma and mental suffering from these conditions, will impact the overall socio-economic environment a long time into the future.

  2. India has consistently and strongly advocated for an immediate cessation of hostilities, unconditional release of hostages, establishment of an urgent and effective humanitarian corridor, and beginning of negotiations to arrive at a 2-state solution. We also reiterate that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is simply unacceptable, and at the same time all parties must adhere to international humanitarian law. 

Madam Chair

  1. The economic toll of the conflict has been catastrophic, as has already been highlighted in the discussions today. In this context, we reiterate the Government of India’s support to the revised and enhanced Decent Work Programme and commend the work already carried out by ILO. We also reiterate our support for ILO’s Emergency Response Plan to mitigate the impact of the conflict. 

  2. While today’s presentation has focussed on Recovery in the interconnected pillars of Relief, Review and Recovery, it is important to also recognise that Recovery would be a complex and multiagency-led exercise, as all the parameters of economy and development have been impacted.

  3. On our part, India will continue to support Palestine, both through our bilateral development partnership programmes as well as through UN agencies. Since 2009, our developmental assistance to Palestine through various channels has been close to 115 million USD, including 34.5 million USD in support of UNRWA. India has also sent 70 tons of humanitarian assistance, including medicines and medical supplies, to Palestine, since October last year.

  4. Let me conclude by reiterating India’s firm support to ILO’s initiatives, particularly the integration of ILO’s recovery programme in the wider UN recovery response. 

Thank you.