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National Statement by India for Agenda Item GB 347/INS/15 on Bangladesh Delivered by Ms. Barkha Tamrakar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India to the UN at the 347th Session of the Governing Body of ILO (Geneva, 21 March 2023)

Discussions under Institutional Section
 Agenda item GB.347/INS/15

Report by the Government of Bangladesh on progress made on the implementation of the road map taken to address all outstanding issues mentioned in the complaint concerning alleged non-observance of Conventions Nos 81, 87 and 98

National Statement 347th Session of the Governing Body of ILO) (Delivered by Ms. Barkha TAMRAKAR, First Secretary , Permanent Mission of India) Geneva, 21 March, 2023)

Madam Chair,

We thank the Office for the background document on this agenda item and take note of the report submitted by the Government of Bangladesh on progress made in the implementation of the road map to address all outstanding issues. We appreciate the sincere implementation of the roadmap by Government of Bangladesh in consultation with the social partners and in cooperation with the ILO.

2.We are encouraged to learn that the Government of Bangladesh has undertaken Labour law reforms, there has been a significant increase in trade union registration, Labour inspection and enforcement for addressing acts of anti-union discrimination and unfair labour practices and violence against workers, including legal and administrative reforms to improve trade union activities, occupational safety, wages, skills development and labour welfare.

3. India supports steps taken by the Govenment of Bangladesh ushers in reforms in the labour and emplayment sector of Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh has demostrated commitment towords ensuring the rights of labourers which is evident in the adoption of the Occupational Safety and Healthy Policy and the Domestic Worker's Production and welfare Policy.

4. India is happy to note that Bangladesh is working to update the ‘National Action Plan to Implement the National Child Labour Elimination Policy’ with some crucial modifications, in due consultation with the tripartite constituents and civil society.

5. In view of the above transformative reforms initiated by the Bangladeshi Government, we believe that the Government of Bangladesh should be supported in the endeavour to achieve the intended results of these reforms so that it percolates to the beneficiaries.

6.We believe that the ILO and the international community should continue to support the Government of Bangladesh in its efforts to strengthen employment and labour market policies, especially in addressing the challenges that workers are facing at present.

7. Appreciating the Government of Bangladesh's strong commitment to working closely with the social partners in further promoting labour rights in the country, Government of Bangladesh may be given opportunity to resolve all the issues through supervisory mechanism of the ILO.

8.We wish the Government of Bangladesh all success in its endeavours.

Thank You, Chair.