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Statement by India during the 40th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group Meeting (24th January – 4th February, 2022) 3rd UPR of South Sudan – Interactive Dialogue delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva 31st January, 2022, Geneva


Statement by India during the 40th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group Meeting

(24th January – 4th February, 2022)

3rd UPR of South Sudan – Interactive Dialogue delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva

31st January, 2022

Mr. President,

India welcomes the delegation of South Sudan and thanks them for the comprehensive presentation on the action taken to implement the recommendations received during their first review in 2016.

2.  We commend South Sudan’s cooperation with the international human rights mechanisms including the treaty bodies to which it is party to. We also welcome the adoption of a series of legislative measures in the recent past that have a direct bearing on the promotion and protection of human rights in South Sudan.

3.  In the constructive spirit and dialogue, India recommends the following to South Sudan:

  a.  Consider ratifying the International Covenant on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the International Covenant on the Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on person with Disabilities (CRPD).

  b.  Consider establishing National Human Rights Institution in accordance with the Paris Principles.

  c.  Consider strengthening its efforts to eliminate violence against women and to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women.

4.  India has been one of the largest troop and police contributor to UNMISS since its establishment a decade ago; at present we have nearly 2300 troops serving in the country. The Indian contingent in UNMISS is also contributing to sustainable development and welfare of the people of South Sudan.

5.  India reaffirms in commitment for cooperation in the development of South Sudan and wishes it the best.

Thank you, Mr. President.