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Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 36th Session (02-13 November 2020): 3rd UPR of Jamaica - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Shri Pawan Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva, 11 November 2020]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 36th Session (02-13 November 2020): 3rd UPR of Jamaica - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Shri Pawan Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva, 11 November 2020]

Madam President,

India extends a very warm welcome to the delegation of Jamaica and thanks the delegation for their presentation.

2. We commend Jamaica’s continued cooperation with UN human rights mechanisms and note with appreciation its submission of reports to CRPD, CEDAW and Beijing Platform for Action +25 in 2019/2020. Jamaica’s efforts at focusing on standardization of the curriculum, enhancing the framework and systems for assessment from the early childhood to secondary levels are praiseworthy.

3. We take note with appreciation of Vision 2030: Jamaica’s National Development Plan and the National policy on Poverty and National Policy Poverty Reduction Programme, 2017. We also commend Jamaica’s efforts in focusing climate change mitigation measures through renewable energy and energy-efficient investments.

4. In the spirit of constructive cooperation, India makes the following recommendations to Jamaica:

(a) consider establishing an independent national human rights institution in accordance with the Paris Principles.

(b) Develop programmes on awareness raising to law enforcement authorities and judicial officers on human rights values and principles.

(c) take necessary measures to combat discriminatory practices against women and girls including gender-based violence.

(d) continue to take measures towards implementing the legislative protection to the persons with disabilities.

5. We wish the delegation of Jamaica all successes in its future endeavors.

Thank you, Madam President.