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146th WHO EB Agenda item 11: Epilepsy – Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary (Geneva, 3-8 February 2020)

146th WHO EB Agenda item 11: Epilepsy – Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary


Thank You Mr. Chair,

 We are conscious of the risks and challenges posed by Epilepsy and are taking all necessary measures to address it. Epilepsy is much more than a medical aliment being intertwined with social seclusion and stigma stemming from lack of empathy and knowledge in the community. 

During our National Mental Health Survey of 2016, epilepsy was identified using the screener instrument recommended by WHO and the prevalence of Generalised Tonic Clinical Seizure, which constitutes about two-thirds of the epilepsy cases, was found to be 0.3%. 

Our National Mental Health Programme seeks to ensure the availability of and accessibility to mental healthcare for all by focussing on innovative IEC strategies to reduce stigma and increase awareness on available treatment. A number of public health facilities dedicated to the treatment of mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) disorders have been set up. For augmentation of qualified manpower in mental health, Manpower Development Schemes are being implemented including for the training of non-specialist healthcare personnel in early case detection, diagnosis and management.

Mr. Chair,

We reaffirm our commitment towards providing adequate facilities for treatment of mental illnesses including Epilepsy. We appreciate the Global efforts to address the challenge of MNS disorders and reiterate that it needs to be driven by strong and strategic leadership, cost effective interventions and a multi-sectoral approach together with greater sharing of experience and knowledge on its effective management.

 Thank you.