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Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 35th Session (20-31 January 2020): 3rd UPR of Turkey - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Shri Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva, 28 January 2020]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 35th Session (20-31 January 2020): 3rd UPR of Turkey - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Shri Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva, 28 January 2020]

Madam President

India warmly welcomes the distinguished delegation of Turkey and recommends the following to Turkey:

Strengthen the legislative framework to eradicate child marriages, including unregistered religious marriages in order to guarantee the rights of all married women and their children.

Improve access to sexual and reproductive health services especially for Kurdish women and other minority women, and for women living in rural and remote areas and avoid early and unwanted pregnancies.

Ensure the functional, structural and financial independence of the Human Rights and Equality Institution and guarantee that the appointment of its members is in full compliance with the Paris Principles.

Adopt a comprehensive anti-trafficking law and continue efforts to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, in line with target 5.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

We wish Turkey the very best.

Thank you, Madams President.