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General comments by India on Consideration of the Resolution A_HRC_42_L.36 on “The Right to Development” in the 42nd Session of the Human Rights Council, delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India,Permanent Mission of India, (Geneva, 27th September 2019)

General comments by India on Consideration of the Resolution A_HRC_42_L.36 on “The Right to Development” in the

42nd Session of the Human Rights Council, delivered by

Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India,

Permanent Mission of India, (Geneva, 27th September 2019)

Mr. President,

The Right to Development remains extremely important for an overwhelming majority of the global population and is central to the realisation of all other human rights. Therefore, we must strive towards operationalization and realization of the right to development at the international level.

2. Considering this, we believe that the current resolution on the right to development would contribute in positively pushing forward the agenda of the right to development. The draft under consideration envisages further support of the office of the High Commissioner, the Working Group on the Right to Development and the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development towards realization and implementation of the Right to Development. India stands committed to work closely and constructively in this regard.

3. India believes in constructive engagement with all stakeholders while pursuing realization of the right to development. We welcome the proposed panel discussion on the right to development at its forty-fifth session as envisaged in the resolution, extension of the mandate of the SR on the right to development to allow further engagement. We also urge the OHCHR to continue giving priority to the right to development as requested in the resolution. Finally, we support the resolution under consideration and request all to adopt it by consensus.

Thank you, Mr. President.
