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Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 33rd Session (06-17 May 2019) : 3rd UPR of Portugal - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India, [Geneva, 08 May 2019]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 33rd Session (06-17 May 2019) : 3rd UPR of Portugal - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India, [Geneva, 08 May 2019]

Statement by India

Madam Vice President,

              India welcomes the delegation of Portugal.

  1.       India appreciates measures taken to address issues of discrimination against women and to promote their rights through gender budgeting and equal pay for equal work. The Action Plan focusing on awareness, training, protection, accountability would be an important step in combating violence against women. The National Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children and Young People, the revision of national laws on children’s rights, the establishment of an Office on Family, Children and Youngsters are noteworthy steps towards promoting the rights of the child.
  2.       India regards the effective implementation of measures taken in the sphere of education, employment and housing to benefit the Roma community as essential for the full integration of the Roma community.
  3.       India recommends the following to Portugal:
  •       Ensure effective implementation of the Roma Integration Strategy (2013-2020)
  •       Take appropriate measures to address economic inequality, poverty andunderdevelopment in rural areas
  •      Adopt measures to reduce the gender pay gap and combat domestic and gender related violence
  •      Continue measures against trafficking in children and eradicate forced childlabour
  1.      India wishes Portugal all success in its future endevours.

Thank you, Madam Vice President.