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Statement by India made during the consultation on the relationship between GFMD and the Global Compact for Migration – Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary (Geneva, 4 April 2019)

    We thank Ecuador as the Chair of the Global Forum on Migration & Development (GFMD) for 2019 for organizing these useful consultations on this important issue and for sharing the non-paper containing the set of key framing questions.

2. The GFMD is a unique forum in the migration landscape especially in terms of its nature and inclusive composition as a platform for open dialogue to generate multi-stakeholder consensus especially around difficult issues and this is its core strength.

3. The GFMD should remain a voluntary, informal and non-binding State-led forum in all spheres of activities including in the context of the implementation and follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration. The role assigned to GFMD under GCM, particularly under para 34(f) of Objective 18, paras 43, 47 and 49 under implementation and para 51 under follow up and review are welcome but neither new nor reflective of the full scope or potential of this forum.

4. The GFMD should retain its focus on the strong inter-linkage of migration with development. It should aim at constructive engagement with States on the migration agenda and fully support them including in the implementation of the Global Compact by means of facilitating peer learning through experience sharing, promoting greater international cooperation, providing the means of implementation, building national capacities and fostering innovative multi-stakeholder partnerships that are mutually beneficial including through effective use of the common space.

5. There should not be any kind of national monitoring or evaluation. That is clearly beyond the scope of this forum. It may be worth noting that even the International Migration Review Forum which is to serve as the primary intergovernmental global platform to follow-up and review the Global Compact shall only discuss and share progress made at local, national, regional and global levels in the implementation of all aspects of the Compact, including as it relates to the 2030 Agenda, adopting a State led approach with the participation of all relevant stakeholders and with a view to building upon accomplishments and identifying opportunities for further cooperation.

6. The work of the GFMD should promote synergies of efforts, avoid duplication of roles and result in the empowerment of States to realize their nationally determined migration priorities aligned with the SDGs and the objectives of the Global Compact.

7. Lastly, we take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to work together to make migration work for all.

Thank you.