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Statement by India at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council (25 February - 22 March 2019) under General comments on the Resolution L.10, delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India [21 March 2019, Geneva]

Statement by India at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council

(25 February – 22 March 2019) under General comments on the Resolution L.10,

delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India

[21 March 2019, Geneva]


Mr President,

It is my privilege to take the floor today in support of the Resolution L.10 as orally revised. India is pleased that the Human Rights Council is taking action on this principled human rights issue. This resolution is important because it focuses on the violations and abuses of the human rights of women and girls who have to suffer indignities and violations of their bodily integrity and autonomy. It is time for us all to send a strong signal that this must end.

Mr President,

For the first time the Council will pronounce on a particular human rights that women and girl athletes should enjoy, that have been repeatedly violated. It calls upon states to ensure that international human rights norms and standards inform sporting practices and policies. It also mandates a report to tell us why this discrimination is taking place and what could be done to address it. It is time to state clearly and unambiguously that discrimination of any kind against these women and girls cannot continue.

Mr President,

For all of these reasons, my delegation strongly supports the resolution and calls on all members of the Council to do the same.   

Thank you, Mr. President.
