Recent Statements Recent Statements

Statement by India at the 40th Session of Human Rights Council (25 February – 22 March 2019) under “Debate on the mitigation and countering of rising nationalist populism and extreme supremacist ideologies”, delivered by Ms Mini Devi Kumam, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [15 March 2019, Geneva]

Statement by India at the 40th Session of Human Rights Council (25 February – 22 March 2019) under “Debate on the mitigation and countering of rising nationalist populism and extreme supremacist ideologies”, delivered by Ms Mini Devi Kumam, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [15 March 2019, Geneva]

Madam Vice President,

2. India condemns the terrorists acts in New Zealand and extends our heartfelt sympathy to the victims and their families.

Madam Vice President,

3. We regret Pakistan’s misuse of the Council to malign India even to the extent of going against the standard practice of the Council. We expect Pakistan to act like a responsible Member State. Pakistan’s sham democracy, rule of law and human rights has been witnessed by the international community. Pakistan would do well to introspect to reform its so-called democratic institutions and eliminate the deep states. It is the last country to preach the world on violent extremism, violence, religious tolerance and human rights among others. Similarly, the OIC has no locus standi to comment on internal affairs of India.

4. Along with being the world’s largest democracy, Indian polity also weaves in immense diversity along with respect for tolerance and mutual understanding. An independent judiciary, free and vibrant media, and, a vocal civil society are all active in this regard within the legal framework of the State.

5. In contrast, Pakistan is known to the international community for its acts of aggression, harbouring safe havens for terrorists, military courts, harassment of minorities through blasphemy law, suppression of political dissidents and legitimate criticism, state-sponsored extreme prejudices, religious intolerance and attacks on Muslim minorities. It would do well do to set its house in order.

Thank you, Madam Vice President.
