Recent Statements Recent Statements

Statement by India delivered by Shri Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, on Agenda item 11(i) and (iii): ‘Report by the Independent Advisory Oversight Committee(IAOC)’ and the ‘Report by the Director of the Internal Oversight Division(IOD)’ at the occasion of 58th Series of the Meetings of the General Assembly of WIPO on 25th September 2018.

Statement by India delivered by Shri Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, on Agenda item 11(i) and (iii): ‘Report by the Independent Advisory Oversight Committee(IAOC)’ and the ‘Report by the Director of the Internal Oversight Division(IOD)’ at the occasion of 58th Series of the Meetings of the General Assembly of WIPO on 25th September 2018.

Mr. Chair,

India complements the WIPO Independent Oversight Committee and the Director of the Internal Oversight Division for the detailed and comprehensive reports.

2. We commend the efforts of the IOD for the online training programmes and the programme on fraud risk assessment. We note with appreciation the interaction between the IOD, IAOC and the External Auditor for seamless coordination and the better performance.

Mr. Chair,

3. The report of the Director of the Internal Oversight Division makes some valuable recommendations in line with provisions of the Internal Oversight Charter. India is confident that the organization will work towards closure of the open recommendations.

Thank You.