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Second Right of Reply by India under Agenda 2 at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council (25 February-22 March 2019) delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary on 08th March 2019.

Second Right of Reply by India under Agenda 2 at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council (25 February-22 March 2019) delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary on 08th March 2019.

Mr. President,

   India exercises its second right of reply to Pakistan.

2. The pluralistic democracy of India is mature enough to address any issues including those instigated from outside. Our security forces exercise maximum restraint despite grave provocations from these outside forces. Terrorism is the grossest violation of human rights and the right to life is constantly violated in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir by State-sponsored terrorism from Pakistan. That India has lost more than 14000 civilians and 5000 security personals is the testimony that the threat cross border terrorism poses to the people in Jammu and Kashmir.

3. Pakistan continues being the hub of global terrorism. As on today, it is the host and patron of 132 of the UN-designated terrorists and 22 terrorist entities under the 1267 and the 1988 UN Security Council sanctions regime. Many active terrorist training camps that are functional in Pakistan occupied territories have been launching pads for cross border terror attacks in India. The UN proscribed terrorist entities and individuals are regularly getting mainstreamed in Pakistan and terrorists like Masood Azhar enjoy full freedom to operate and expand his terror infrastructure in Pakistan and territories under its control.

4. In contrast, the people of the Pakistan occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir are denied of even basic rights and freedoms. The extent of religious discrimination is reflected in the loss of life, liberty and property on the mere accusations of blasphemy laws. Pakistan today stands out as the country having more cases of blasphemy than the rest of the world put together in the past few years. 

Thank you, Mr. President.