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Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 32nd Session (21 January – 01 February 2019) : 3rd UPR of Eritrea - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Dr. A. Sudhakara Reddy, Counsellor (Legal). [Geneva, 28 January 2019]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 32nd Session (21 January – 01 February 2019) : 3rd UPR of Eritrea - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Dr. A. Sudhakara Reddy, Counsellor (Legal). [Geneva, 28 January 2019] 

Mr. President,

India warmly welcomes the delegation of the State of Eritrea and thanks for presentation of its National Report. 

2.  We appreciate Eritrea for taking several steps towards progressive realization of social, economic and cultural rights on the basis of social justice. Elimination of poverty, improvement in the standard of living, and abolition of all forms of discrimination to ensure equality of women are some of the key initiatives which are all-inclusive and sustainable strategies for effective implementation of people’s rights.

3.  We take note of the steps taken by Eritrea for enhancing quality of life, recognising the ‘health for all’ as one of the fundamental rights of the citizen. This has in fact resulted in positive outcome showing a decline in HIV and AIDS cases. We recommend Eritrea to continue to improve health care facilities.

4.  Wewelcome the macro level government p0lcies and strategies initiated by Eritrea to achieve broad based education incorporating widespread dissemination of skills, languages and human capital formation. We recommend Eritrea to also address the low rate of enrolment of girls in primary and secondary education. 

4.  We wish the delegation of Eritrea all success.

 I, Thank you Mr. President.