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Right of Reply exercised by India under Agenda Item 2 in the 11th session of the Forum on Minority Issues (29-30 November 2018) delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary on 29th November 2018 in Palais des Nations, Geneva.


Right of Reply exercised by India under Agenda Item 2 in the 11th session of the Forum on Minority Issues (29-30 November 2018) delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary on 29th November 2018 in Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Thank You Madam Chair,

India would like to exercise its right of reply to the statement delivered by Pakistan under this Agenda Item.

Madam Chair,

At the outset, India would request you to advise all stakeholders, including member states, taking the floor, to stick to the theme of this session, i.e. on ‘Statelessness: A Minority Issue’ and avoid any deviation from the same.

As regards the OHCHR report on Kashmir, it is reiterated that this fallacious and motivated report has already been rejected by India.

Madam Chair,

It is widely known that in Pakistan, the religious, racial, ethnic and sectarian minorities have suffered immense infringement of their fundamental human rights due to the so-called ‘blasphemy laws’. The Muslim minorities of Pakistan as well as Pakistan Occupied Kashmir such as Shias, Ahmadiyas, Ismailias and Hazaras are victims of sectarian conflict, terrorism and extreme economic hardship due to Pakistan’s authoritarian and discriminatory policies.

Hence, the world does not need lessons on democracy and human rights from a country whose own people have never enjoyed true democracy. What is portrayed by Pakistan on self-determination is actually state-sponsored cross-border terrorism.

Madam Chair,

India reiterates that despite the continued proxy war and state-sponsored terrorism raged by Pakistan against the people of Jammu and Kashmir, the people of Jammu and Kashmir have reposed their faith in the Indian democracy.

Thank You.