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Statement by India at the 35th Session of Human Rights Council (06-23 June 2017) on Agenda Item 10: Annual Thematic Discussion on Technical Cooperation. [Geneva, 20 June 2017]

Statement by India at the 35th Session of Human Rights Council (06-23 June 2017) on Agenda Item 10: Annual Thematic Discussion on Technical Cooperation. [Geneva, 20 June 2017]

Thank you Mr. President,

2. We thank the High Commissioner and all other panellists for their insightful presentations on this important agenda item. We appreciate the important role of OHCHR in extending and providing the much required technical cooperation andcapacity building to various needy states in full implementation of their human rights.

3. India strongly supports a dedicated agenda item on technical assistance and capacity building that would continue to provide an opportunity to find ways and means to address various challenges. There is also a necessity to develop systemic technical assistance and capacity building needs that would address the sectoral shortcomings in specific areas with renewed strategy and monitoring, which may lead to more effective utilisation of resources. 

4. A concerted effort in extending technical assistance and capacity building is crucialto achieve the ambitious targets of the 2030 Agenda for various developing countries. This may also be foreseen within the north-south and south-south cooperation as envisaged in Goal 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals, a way to revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development and to support capacity-building amongst States.

5. We believe that enhancing the technical cooperation and capacity building is nothing but strengthening the effective implementation of States commitments to the fullest implementation of human rights obligations under various instruments. Needless to say, that the primacy of State’s role and participation should be fully respected in the process.Reorganisation and prioritisation of some of the existing technical assistance programmes and projects mayyield effective results.

I thank you.
