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General Comment of India after the adoption of the Resolutions at the 38th Session of the Human Right Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) delivered by Ambassador Virander Paul, Deputy Permanent Representative of India. [06 July 2018, Geneva]

General Comment of India after the adoption of the Resolutions at the 38th Session of the Human Right Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) delivered by Ambassador Virander Paul, Deputy Permanent Representative of India. [06 July 2018, Geneva] 


Mr President,

We strongly object to Pakistan violating the rules of procedure of the Council by bringing in irrelevant matters in the proceedings of the adoption of Resolutions. The Resolution on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests concerns the entire international community. Pakistan misusing the occasion to promote their own narrow minded and vested interests to divert global attention away from their own most dismal human rights situations sets a dangerous precedent. As an Observer State, we were not even allowed to point out this violation. The Presidency of the Council must not allow such flagrant violations of the real objectives of the Council. We must ensure respect for the Rules of Procedure.

2. As regards the High Commissioner’s report on the human rights situations in Kashmir, we have already stated our position in abundantly clear terms.

Thank you Mr. President