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Statement by India made during the 6th round of formal consultations on the Global compact on Refugees - Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary on 04 July 2018

Statement by India made during the 6th round of formal consultations on the Global compact on Refugees - Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary on 04 July 2018

Thank you Mr. Chair.

2. The delegation of India wishes to thank the office of the U.N. High Commisioner for Refugees for presenting the final draft of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and organising this sixth and last round of formal consultations.

3. The task of the office in reconciling the various views expressed in the preceding rounds to result in a non-negotiated yet consensual text is indeed onerous.

4. The text has progressively been enriched and balanced through our collective efforts and an iterative process driven by UNHCR. The finalisation of the text of the GCR will be the beginning of the dialogue and partnership on this issue. As with any document of such nature, it is difficult, if not impossible, to address all the concerns.

5. The strength of the non-legally binding Compact would lie in its consensual adoption premised on international solidarity and national ownership. The litmus test would be the mobilisation of genuine international support and action under the Compact for realisation of its objectives contained in para 7.

6. As stated in the previous rounds, we wish to reiterate the following:

a. The Compact is legally non-binding and apolitical and non-prescriptive in nature and its implementation and follow-up and review must thus be in keeping with this spirit.

b. Its scope should be limited to addressing large scale and protracted situations of refugees, as defined under international law, and the catalytic and supportive role of UNHCR consistent with its related mandate.

c. The international obligations of States party to the international refugee instruments differ from those not party and the actions and contributions expected of and made by Member States under the Compact should be consistent with their obligations under international refugee law. We recommend the inclusion of this in the guiding principles.

d. We suggest that all references to non-universally agreed documents in the text or footnotes be considered for removal.

e. We do not support reference to the internally displaced people who clearly fall within the domestic jurisdiction and are the responsibility of a State.

7. Lastly, we wish to understand from the secretariat if and how the inputs provided in this round of formal consultations on the GCR would be incorporated in the ‘final draft’ and look forward to continue receiving information on the GCR from UNHCR following the conclusion of this last round of consultations.

Thank you.