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Statement by India at the 38th Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) on Agenda 5 : The Report of the Forum on Business and Human Rights, delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, Second Secretary. [28 June 2018, Geneva] 

Statement by India at the 38th Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) on Agenda 5 : The Report of the Forum on Business and Human Rights, delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, Second Secretary. [28 June 2018, Geneva] 

Mr. President,

1. At the outset, India would like to thank the ongoing mechanism of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises for the report on the sixth session of the Forum on Business and Human Rights.

2. The report which focuses on the third pillar of access to remedies of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights emphasizes on national action plans, perspectives of various stakeholders, judicial remedies, strengthening State-based non-judicial remedies and innovations in dispute resolution among others. Here, India would like to highlight the point made by the Working Group in para 13 when it says that third pillar has generally been overlooked and that initiatives to address its negative effects have generally fallen short with lack of effective oversight. 

3. India agrees that the third pillar of the Guiding Principles on access to remedies invites our serious attention as its implementation has been a concern at the global level. The ongoing consultations on a proposed legal instrument on the subject as per the mandate given by HRC Resolution 26/9 assume significant importance in this context. India supports this process and hopes for a balanced outcome which should have the broadest possible acceptance.

4. Finally, India would like to thank the Working Group for a comprehensive report on the sixth session of the Forum on Business and Human Rights. India is committed to working constructively to make the working of the Forum more effective in the coming years.

Thank You Mr. President.