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Right of Reply by India in response to the Statement made by Pakistan and Pakistan on behalf of OIC under the Agenda Item 2 at the 38th Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) on Agenda Item 2, delivered by Ms Mini Devi Kumam [19 June 2018, Geneva]

Right of Reply by India in response to the Statement made by Pakistan and Pakistan on behalf of OIC under the Agenda Item 2 at the 38th Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) on Agenda Item 2, delivered by Ms Mini Devi Kumam [19 June 2018, Geneva] 

Mr. President,

India would like to exercise its right of reply to the statement made by Pakistan under Agenda Item 2.

2. We deplore relentless attempts of Pakistan to mislead the Council with false narratives on Jammu and Kashmir and its unabated but futile efforts to divert the attention of the world from its abysmal human rights records and use of terrorism as its state policy. India, especially the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, continues to face the brunt of cross border terrorism abetted, supported and sustained by Pakistan. An entire infrastructure to support cross border terrorism such as active training camps, functional launching detachments and communication control stations are operating in Pakistan and territories under its control.

3. In blatant disregard of its international obligations under UNSCR 1267, Pakistan continues to mainstream a large number of UN proscribed terrorist entities and individuals with easy access to funds, financial services and public space. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has already raised major concerns on lack of effective prevention by Pakistan in terror financing.

4. The people of Jammu & Kashmir have nurtured a vibrant democracy ensuring a life of dignity for all. In contrast, blatant abuses and violations of human rights including killings in the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, Baluchistan, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, harassment of minorities through blasphemy law, forceful conversions of minority women, rampant cases of enforced disappearances, systemic persecution of Shias, Ahmadiyas, Ismailia and Hazaras are routinely carried out in Pakistan.

5. India would also like to exercise its right of reply in response to the statement made by Pakistan on behalf of the OIC. The OIC statement contains incorrect and misleading references to matters internal to India, including the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, which is an integral part of India. We deeply regret the total lack of understanding in the biased and inconsistent approach in the statement by OIC. India is home to the world's second largest Muslim population. OIC has no locus standi to comment on matters pertaining to India's internal affairs.

Thank you.