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Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 20.1 on Global Vaccine Action Plan: In line with Global Vaccine Action Plan, India is taking necessary measures to strengthen routine immunization in country

Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 20.1 on Global Vaccine Action Plan: In line with Global Vaccine Action Plan, India is taking necessary measures to strengthen routine immunization in country

All countries of South-East Asia Region of WHO including India has been certified polio free on 27th March, 2014. It has been more than 7 years since last case in India was reported.

India has validated Maternal & Neonatal tetanus elimination in May 2015, well before the target date.

India launched an Intensified Mission Indradhanush i.e. Mission Rainbow with an aim to increase full immunization coverage to at least 90% by 2018. It focuses on pockets of low immunization coverage, hard to reach and high risk areas.

India has introduced several new vaccines in recent past such as Pentavalent, IPV, Rotavirus and Measles Rubella and Pneumococcal vaccine shortly. Beyond the initial Gavi support, country is procuring IPV, Pentavalent and MR from its domestic funding to sustain the programme.

We feel that some of the issues requiring immediate action on part of the WHO include mobilizing funds from different partners for accessible and affordable vaccines with assured quality and supply, technical assistance for technology transfer and local manufacturing, and addressing procedural and legal barriers that undermine competition and price reduction for new vaccines.

India is a vaccine manufacturing country and all the vaccines used in our immunization programme are manufactured locally.

For enhanced vaccine security, countries with small birth cohort or non-GAVI eligible countries or countries within a region may benefit from pooling of vaccine procurement.

Thank You.