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Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 12.7 on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits

Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 12.7 on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits

Mr. Chair:

We appreciate the initiatives taken by WHO for providing various logistic support for influenza preparedness to member countries in a timely and adequate manner in terms of vaccines, antiviral drugs and even rapid affordable diagnostics .

Zoonotic influenza viruses and influenza viruses of pandemic potential continue to highlight the importance to remain vigilant to the threats posed by Influenza.

Multi source information, including at the human animal interface is critical to detect unusual influenza events with pandemic potential and for providing information for risk communication, risk assessment and decision making.

In order to ensure the sustainability of PIP Framework, it should cater to the interest of Member States & all major stakeholders and the delivery of results needs to be regularly monitored, measured and communicated.

India reiterates that WHO and State Parties should ensure that sharing of samples and sequence data is balanced with benefit-sharing on an equal footing.

Mr. Chair,

A transparent process should be followed to evaluate the countries for continuation for funding. Countries like India which have high disease burden should get priority in receiving influenza vaccines.

India proposes that there is a greater need for technology transfer and capacity building for manufacturing of influenza vaccine in developing countries. Collaborations between countries should be strengthened for efficient utilization of laboratory services and other capacities.

India is fully committed to support WHO in its efforts.

Thank you.