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Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 12.1 on Global snakebite burden

Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 12.1 on Global snakebite burden

Thank you, Mr. Chair,

India would like to state that there is a need to develop an effective public health strategy for the prevention and control of snakebite, envenoming which is cost effective in the prevention, diagnosis, early treatment and case management for low resource settings.

It is important that the government focuses its attention to this problem because most of the deaths are reported from remote and rural areas, where lack of awareness and misconception in handling the victims unscientifically and not taking them to hospitals for treatment causes most of the deaths. There is a need to focus on community involvement in the awareness of this problem.

There is a need to improve access to safe, affordable antivenoms and it is important to facilitate transfer of knowledge and technology amongst member states to improve global availability of antivenoms and effective management of cases.

India has prepared a National Snakebite Management Protocol to restrict effectively the deaths causes by snakebites. It has also appointed a focal point for snakebites. Every Indian State has a policy for snakebites and they indent for anti-venom for treatment of the victims.

Mr. Chair,

India remains committed to working with WHO purposefully and effectively to fight for the challenge caused by snakebites. India is a co-sponsor of this resolution and fully supports its adoption.