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Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 12.2 on Physical Activity for Health

Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 12.2 on Physical Activity for Health

Thank you Chair,

India has participated in the Regional Consultation to draft the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity.

India has developed National Multisectoral Action Plan for prevention and control of NCDs. Among other interventions, it provides coherent framework with the exiting schemes of other sectors to achieve the Physical Activity targets. The action plan is based on four strategic areas - Integrated and Multisectoral Coordination Mechanisms; Health Promotion; Health Systems Strengthening; Surveillance, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research with a goal to promote healthy choices, reduce preventable morbidity through a whole of the Government and whole of society approach.

Various existing initiatives of non-health sectors also provide an opportunity to address the action points

Commemoration of International Day of Yoga on 21 June every year, as proclaimed by United Nations Resolution has a great potential to increase awareness about physical activity in the community. There are proven benefits of Yoga on physical, mental and spiritual well-being and they are intricately linked.

Existing guidelines of ‘Smart Cities Mission’ and ‘Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation’ in urban areas and Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana in rural areas promote developing infrastructure to encourage physical activity.

The revamped ‘Khelo India -National Programme for Development of Sports’ targets to include 200 million children under massive national physical fitness drive.

Different media platforms including social media are being utilized to improve awareness about healthy lifestyles including promoting physical activity for health.

We appreciate the support provided by WHO and endorse the resolution.

Thank you.