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Statement by Indiaat the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 11.8 on Preparation for a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on ending tuberculosis

Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 11.8 on Preparation for a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on ending tuberculosis

Thank You Mr. Chair,

India would like to state that it has committed to eliminating Tuberculosis by 2025 at the 1st WHO Global Ministerial Conference on ending TB in Sustainable Development Era', held in Moscow, in November last year.

India has developed National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB to meet this aspirational target. India has allocated 430 Million USD for implementation of the NSP in the current year, an increase of 54% over last year. 25% of the budget under NSP is earmarked for addressing the quality of care of patients managed in the private sector. Active TB case finding strategy has been implemented in high risk areas.

India has undertaken a rapid expansion of diagnostics and treatment services. Free diagnosis with rapid molecular tests, free treatment with best quality drugs and regimens, online TB notification systems, mobile technology-based adherence monitoring system, policy for transparent service purchase schemes, communication campaigns, regulatory systems to capture information on all those consuming anti-TB drugs are amongst the actions adopted.

India targets to reach the unreached, especially the poor and the marginalised sections of society, through active community engagement and targetted interventions such as – assistance for supplementary nutrition to TB patients, active case finding among high risk groups and partnerships with private sector.

Mr. Chair,

India is the major manufacturer of high quality anti-TB drugs for the world, having almost an 80% global market share.

India remains committed to working with WHO in purposefully and effectively fighting the persisting challenge of tuberculosis.

Thank You.