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Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 11.1 on Draft thirteen general programme of work (2019-2023)

Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item: 11.1 on Draft thirteen general programme of work (2019-2023)

Thank You Mr. Chair,

At the outset, India would like to commend the WHO Secretariat for the hard work put into drafting the 13th GPW.

Mr. Chair,

2. India would like to emphasize on the following points.

We support the proposals in the draft for flexible financing and increased assessed contributions. We believe that the Voluntary contributions should be untied which will help in addressing the current imbalance in which a few donors with significant tied contributions directly or indirectly influence program prioritization in WHO’s work.

On health emergencies, India seeks greater clarity on the extent and kind of support WHO can provide to countries in developing and strengthening their health emergency preparedness and response capabilities.

As regards the numerical target of 3 billion people in terms of the three strategic goals of the organization, my delegation would recommend setting targets in terms of countries and a focus on how many countries have strengthened health systems for ensuring UHC by a predetermined timeline.

India appreciates the stress given to WHO’s normative role in the draft. India believes that being the principal global body in the area of health, setting norms and standards and providing direction is the core role of WHO.

Lack of access to medicines and vaccines in the developing countries and LDCs is a major lacuna in the global health architecture.Promoting affordable and cost-effective health interventions is central to achievement of UHC with in the mandate of SDG3. Equitable access to essential and high quality medical products depend on their being affordable. We should avoid putting undue focus on profit at the cost of affordability and access.

There is a need to follow-up on the FENSA process. This is critical as a comprehensive conflict of interest policy covering both institutional and individual interests is yet to be developed.

Mr. Chair,

3. India is fully committed for a holistic implementation of the GPW.

Thank You.