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Statement by India in the ILO Committee on the Application of Standards on the case of Brazil [Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)] - Delivered by Ambassador Virander Paul, Deputy Permanent Representative during the 107th International Labour Conference 2018


Statement by India in the ILO Committee on the Application of Standards on the case of Brazil [Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)] - Delivered by Ambassador Virander Paul, Deputy Permanent Representative during the 107th International Labour Conference 2018


Mr. Chairperson,

The delegation of India has taken note of the background document provided by the Office and thanks the Government of Brazil for providing a comprehensive update on this issue.

2. India welcomes the willingness and commitment of the Government of Brazil to constructively engage with the ILO and the social partners to fulfil its labour obligations in the world of work.

3. We appreciate the efforts and positive steps taken by the Government of Brazil to reform its labor laws aimed at providing legal certainty and reliability to collective bargaining in consultation with the social partners and in accordance with the protection guaranteed in its constitution and its international obligations.

4. We do not support the inclusion of any country in the preliminary or final list of cases before the end of the reporting cycle deadline and without following due process and for reasons other than the technical merits of a case. A genuine and constructive tripartism is a sine-qua-non for an effective and credible ILO supervisory mechanism.

5. In fulfilling its labour related obligations, we request ILO, its Member States and social partners to fully support the Government of Brazil.

6. We take this opportunity to wish the Government of Brazil all success in its endeavors.


Thank you.

05 June 2018