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Statement by India at the 37th Session of Human Rights Council (26 February-23 March 2018) on General Debate on Agenda Item 10: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building, delivered by Ambassador Virander Paul, Deputy Permanent Representative.[Geneva, 22 March 2018]

Statement by India at the 37th Session of Human Rights Council (26 February-23 March 2018) on General Debate on Agenda Item 10: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building, delivered by Ambassador Virander Paul, Deputy Permanent Representative. [Geneva, 22 March 2018]


Mr. President,

   We acknowledge the efforts of the OHCHR in providing capacity building and technical assistance in the field of human rights. 

2. A better organized technical assistance and capacity building mechanism is crucial for effective national reporting under various treaty bodies and for fullest possible implementation of the accepted UPR recommendations. It is in this perspective we support a dedicated agenda item on technical assistance and capacity building in conformity with the national objectives and priorities of member states and in line with the VDPA and the founding resolutions. Towards this end, India has been a regular contributor to the Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation (VFTC) and calls upon all States to give priority to this Agenda Item. 

3. We believe that requests from Member States seeking technical assistance from other Member States and OHCHR should be given favourable consideration in keeping with the national priorities. As a matter of practice, the OHCHR may prepare a list of technical assistance/capacity building measures shared by Member States in their statements in the course of their UPR. 

4. We appreciate the ongoing process for the review of functioning of the Human Rights Council. It would be appropriate now to also initiate a review of the functioning of OHCHR with a view to making it more representative, effective and credible. 

Thank you.
