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Statement by India at the 37th Session of Human Rights Council (26 February-23 March 2018): General Segment, delivered by Ambassador Sh. Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India. [Geneva, 28 February 2018]

Statement by India at the 37th Session of Human Rights Council (26 February-23 March 2018): General Segment, delivered by Ambassador Sh. Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India. [Geneva, 28 February 2018]

Madam Vice President

I congratulate you and the Bureau on your efforts to improve the efficiency of the Council. We also acknowledge the efforts of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and his Office towards promotion and protection of human rights.

2. We believe that the promotion of human rights is vital to achieving the ultimate goal of promoting socio-economic advancement of all peoples. We also believe in the universality of human rights and treating all rights on an equal footing. We recall that India’s human rights record was reviewed for the 3rd time under the UPR mechanism in May 2017. We emphasize the importance of national institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights in keeping with national legislations. India also presented its Voluntary National Review on the implementation of the SDGs under the 2030 Agenda at the High Level Political Forum of the ECOSOC at the United Nations in New York in July 2017. Both these voluntary and State-driven processes elicited wide interest. A similar commitment is behind the success of the landmark Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Combating Climate Change. India has been an active participant in these deliberations and played a constructive role to aid the early entry into force of the Paris Agreement by ratifying it in October 2016, and for the amendment to the Montreal Protocol. The Supreme Court of India has recognized the right to clean environment as a part of an individual’s right to life guaranteed by the Constitution of India.

3. India also believes that the United Nations should have the necessary resources to finance its activities. In this sprit, it has been a regular contributor to the UN. In order to bolster South-South Cooperation, the India-UN Development Partnership Fund was established in June 2017 as a dedicated facility within the United Nations Fund for South-South Cooperation. India has pledged to scale up its contribution to this fund through a multi-year contribution of US$ 100 million. India has already provided US$ 6 million within the 7 months of its launch.

4. India looks forward to a stronger and more effective Council bearing in mind the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds in its dialogue with Member States. Our interest in serving in the Council is rooted in the belief that promotion and protection of human rights are best pursued through dialogue, cooperation, and constructive and collaborative engagement. India’s engagement with the Council is guided by this mandate of this premier UN body responsible for framing the international discourse on human rights. India will accordingly continue to participate actively in the Council.

Thank you.