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Statement made by India during the UNISDR Donor meeting - Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary (Geneva, Switzerland, 09 May 2018)

Statement made by India during the UNISDR Donor meeting - Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary

(Geneva, Switzerland, 09 May 2018)

Thank you, Madam Chair.

2. At the outset, I wish to congratulate you on your appointment as the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Disaster Risk Reduction and sharing your vision. I thank UNISDR for organizing this useful meeting and would like to request the office to share the electronic version of the documents shared in this meeting and preferably, in advance in future, if possible.

3. 10 out of the 17 SDGs have targets related to disaster risk. DRR is thus an integrating element of the SDGs. Two aspects critical to ensuring the success of Disaster Risk Reduction strategy and the realization of Sustainable Development Goals particularly goal 11 and a sustainable future are the means of implementation and global partnerships both within the UN system and between States.

4. We fully support organisational changes in UNISDR to enhance its impact and effectiveness and a greater engagement within the larger UN system aimed towards effective Sendai Framework implementation by means of much needed system-wide coherence.

5. UNISDR is aware of the work that India does and continues to do in the region and beyond on DRR through the SAARC and AMCDRR (Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction) platforms. Our space and communication technology is being effectively used towards this end.

6. We welcome the launch of the Sendai Framework Monitor and look forward to the first report in 2019. India's national disaster management strategy and plan is aligned with the Sendai Framework.

7. I thank the speakers for their useful presentations. Two aspects critical to the work of UNISDR for the realisation of its own strategic objectives and the targets related to the Sendai framework are advocacy and capacity building related to disaster risk reduction. In this regard, I wish to offer a suggestion to UNISDR for its consideration. UNISDR could explore, broadly as part of its overall strategy and more specifically its communication strategy, the potential use of digital tools and technology for building capacities of stakeholders through e-training. This would significantly increase the reach of the organisation among the stakeholders, both institutions and individuals and help enhance their awareness and understanding of disaster risk, its governance, financing and preparedness, the four priorities for action under the Sendai Framework. It would also be advisable, for reasons of transparency, to include in the Annual Report of UNISDR, a detailed break-up of the usage of earmarked and un-earmarked funding in terms of activities and projects and how these further the strategic objectives and the two enablers. 

8. Lastly, India values its partnership with UNISDR which is critical not only for us but also for the region and the world. We look forward to UNISDR's continuing support and cooperation.

Thank you.

09 May 2018