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Statement by India made on Agenda item 2 (Part III.A – Programme of action: Mechanisms for burden and responsibility sharing) during the fourth round of formal consultations on the Global compact on Refugees - Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary (Geneva, Switzerland, 8-10 May 2018)

Statement by India made on Agenda item 2 (Part III.A – Programme of action: Mechanisms for burden and responsibility sharing) during the fourth round of formal consultations on the Global compact on Refugees - Delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, First Secretary

(Geneva, Switzerland, 8-10 May 2018)

Thank you Mr. Chair.

2. This is in continuation of our earlier intervention. On Agenda item 2 we wish to state the following:

  1. We seek more detailed information on the proposed Global Refugee Forum mentioned in Para 18-20 as a global mechanism for international cooperation, implementation and follow-up of the compact in terms of its specific mandate, working modalities, funding and its relation with other extant mechanisms among others. We request the Secretariat to share a non-paper.
  2. The collection of data and evidence on refugees as detailed in Paras 45-48 to better map the refugee burden and inform policy and decision making, must be in accordance with existing national capacities, resources and priorities and may require necessary international support like resources, finances and technology. This must be reflected in the text, as appropriate.
  3. We request more information about the proposed technical level discussions on the methodology, mentioned in Para 48, and the modality of formal discussions among States on the outcome of these technical discussions.


Thank you.

08 May 2018