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Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 30th Session (7-18 May 2018): 3rd UPR of Germany – Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ambassador Virander Paul, Deputy Permanent Representative of India. [Geneva, 8 May 2018]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 30th Session (7-18 May 2018): 3rd UPR of Germany – Interactive Dialogue,  delivered by Ambassador Virander Paul, Deputy Permanent Representative of India. [Geneva, 8 May 2018]

Mr. President,

1.India thanks the delegation of Germany for the presentation of its National Report.

2. We commend initiatives of Germany to promote gender equality through greater transparency in wage structures and equal participation of women and men in leadership positions. We also appreciate the measures taken by Germany to combat racism in institutions through the National Action Plan against Racism of 2017.

3. India would like to make the following recommendations:

  • Prohibit discriminatory racial profiling and ensure effective implementation of independent internal complaint mechanism;
  • Continue efforts in integration of minority communities by enhancing their access to housing, education, employment and health care;
  • Prevent threats and violence against migrants and implement the Integration Act of 2016 for their better integration through non-discriminatory measures; and
  • Continue measures for combating human trafficking.

4. We wish the delegation of Germany all success.

Thank you Mr. President.
