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Opening of New WIPO External Offices under Agenda item 12 at the 27th session of WIPO Program & Budget Committee, delivered by Dr. Sumit Seth, First Secretary on 13 September 2017

Permanent Mission of India


Statement by India

on Opening of New WIPO External Offices under Agenda item 12 at the 27th session of WIPO Program & Budget Committee, delivered by Dr. Sumit Seth, First Secretary on 13 September 2017

Thank you, Madam Chair

At the outset India would like to align itself with the statement delivered by Indonesia on behalf of the Asia Pacific Group.

Madam Chair

India is of the view that the discussions on the opening up of new External Offices of WIPO has gone far too long and at times mired in unsubstantiated apprehensions of their impact on the Organization. We also heard frequently both in the PBC and also during the discussions in the previous General Assembly unreasonable trepidation about the impact of opening an External Offices in a country on WIPO’s bilateral activities with other countries in the same region.

India has consistently acknowledged that the existing External Offices coverage is limited. The Opening of a new External Offices can be a win-win proposition for those countries that already put in place an enabling environment for enhancing innovation and creativity, or in other instances countries wish to get direct support from WIPO through technical assistance and capacity building to evolve national IP policies and the relevant IP infrastructure.

 New External Offices are expected to be used as nodal points where technical experts are pooled and stationed for rapid delivery of services and on-site interventions. The presence of locally recruited experts should also contribute to effective transfer of knowledge, and enhancement of mutual support through creation of regional networks. 

We should also take into account the interest of different geographical regions as well as other factors such as balancing the need and demand on account of population, size of economy and growth in IP filings. Geographical distribution is particularly important to the delivery of WIPO’s services for technical assistance and capacity building.

India has also expressed its interest in opening of an External Office of WIPO in India in its national capacity.It is our desire to see a decision on External Offices in a speedy manner in line with the agreed Guiding Principles. India is willing to work constructively with all groups and delegations to reach a consensus on the methodology or opening up of new External offices of WIPO.

Thank you, Madam Chair.