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Statement by India at the 142nd Session of the Executive Board (EB) of the World Health Organization (22nd to 27th January 2018) on Agenda item 5.5: Engagement with non-State actors, delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of India. [WHO HQ, Geneva, 26th January 2018]

Statement by India at the 142nd Session of the Executive Board (EB) of the World Health Organization (22nd to 27th January 2018) on Agenda item 5.5: Engagement with non-State actors, delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of India. [WHO HQ, Geneva, 26th January 2018]

Thank You Mr. Chair,

India believes that the relationship between WHO and various non-state actors, has been an important, promising and sensitive element of the current WHO reform programme.

Mr. Chair,

2. The adoption of the FENSA in the 69th WHA was a notable reform. However,a follow-up of the FENSA process is critical. A comprehensive conflict of interest policy covering both institutional and individual interests is yet to be developed.

Mr. Chair,

3. We believe that any collaboration in R&D should be in line with the FENSA framework. Continuous assessment should also ensure due diligence.

4. India is of the view that the FENSA framework should be expanded to include the dealings of Member States with the non-state actors apart from the current arrangement where it only deals with the Secretariat’s engagement with non-state actors. This approach will ensure better accountability.

5. The WHO Department of Implementation - an office in charge of resource mobilization - may not effectively implement FENSA as this creates a potential conflict between the functions of resource mobilization and implementation of FENSA. The implementation of FENSA should be vested with the office of the Legal Counsel.

Mr. Chair

5. We live in a global order where the institutional health architecture has multiple actors in addition to national governments and international organizations. Delegation of India would like to acknowledge the potential and role played by the Non-governmental organizations in the health architectural mosaic.

As a large country with diverse healthcare needs, India will stay committed to actively engage in this direction.

Thank You.