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Statement by India at the 142nd Session of the Executive Board (EB) of the World Health Organization (22nd to 27th January 2018) on Agenda item 3.5: Health, Environment and Climate Change, delivered by Sh. Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. [WHO HQ, Geneva, 24th January 2018]

Statement by India at the 142nd Session of the Executive Board (EB) of the World Health Organization (22nd to 27th January 2018) on Agenda item 3.5: Health, Environment and Climate Change, delivered by Sh. Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. [WHO HQ, Geneva, 24th January 2018]

 Thank you Mr. Chair

1. India appreciates WHO Secretariat for bringing the agenda on health , environment and climate change.

Mr. Chair,

2. Government of India has prioritized and already initiated measures accordingly. Climate change is monitored by the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change. It has identified 12 missions which include a ‘Mission on Health’.

3. We have prepared a draft National Action Plan on Climate Change and Human Health. Efforts are on to encourage States to draft their State specific plans for climate change and human health. 

Mr. Chair,

4. Government of India agrees with the need for a flagship initiative to address health effect of climate change in small island developing states and vulnerable situations. We reiterate that India being a diverse country has many vulnerable areas and ecosystems such as Sunderbans, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Himalayan region etc. Such country specific vulnerable settings and situations should also be a part of this flagship initiative.

5. Indian delegation would suggest WHO to prioritize and support member countries in terms of mainstreaming environment risk factors like air pollution and climate change in the existing policy framework to catalyse multi-sectoral action ; to develop a research agenda to generate scientific evidences on the link between environmental risk factors and health ; to coordinate and ensure that health is properly represented in climate change agenda and capacity building for public health practitioners to reduce health vulnerability to climate change.

6. In consonance with the ratification of UNFCC by Government of India, we agree with the proposed resolution.


Thank You.