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Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 29th Session (15-26 January 2018): 3rd UPR of Barbados - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ms.Mini Devi Kumam, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of India. [Geneva, 19 January 2018]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 29th Session (15-26 January 2018)3rd UPR of Barbados– Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ms. Mini Devi Kumam, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of India. [Geneva, 19 January 2018]

Mr. Vice President,

India thanks the delegation of Barbados for the presentation of its National Report.

2. We commend the improving social welfare system of Barbados, particularly for the elderly, children and unemployed. The implementation of the Employment Rights Act, Safety and Health at Work Act, ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are significant steps. We appreciate the facilitation measures under the National Disabilities Unit for the disabled to access education and transportation. The provision of decent, safe and affordable housing to all, including replacement of old houses and relocation of houses to environmentally safer places is also commendable.

3. We note the emphasis by Barbados to promoting adequate participation by young people in the political process and launching of the Barbados National Youth Parliament in 2014. We welcome the step taken by Barbados towards the establishment of a National Human Rights Institution by setting up a National Human Rights Advisory Committee in 2016.

4. We recommend that Barbados continues its efforts for the establishment of its National Human Rights Institution.

5. We wish Barbados success in all its endeavours.

Thank you Mr. Vice President.