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Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 29th Session (15-26 January 2018): 3rd UPR of the Republic of Mali – Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ambassador Sh. Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India.

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 29th Session (15-26 January 2018)3rd UPR of the Republic of Mali – Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ambassador Sh. Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India. [Geneva, 16 January 2018]


Mr. President,

India welcomes the delegation of Mali and thanks for the presentation of Mali’s National Report.

2. We welcome the establishment of the National Human Rights Commission in Mali in accordance with international standards based on the Paris Principles for promoting and protecting human rights.

3. We appreciate the continued efforts of the Government of Mali to implement various socio-economic development programmes with a view to effectively ensuring human rights at the grass root level. The Action Plan of 2015-2017 to combat human trafficking under the aegis of the National Coordinating Committee on Combatting Trafficking in Persons is a step in the right direction.

4. We encourage Mali to continue its efforts to eliminate the practice of female genital mutilation through educational campaigns and awareness raising programmes. We recommend adoption of a legislation outlawing all forms of gender based violence, including the traditional practice of female genital mutilation.

5.  We wish the delegation of Mali success in all its endeavours.


   Thank you Mr. President.