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Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 29th Session (15-26 January 2018): 3rd UPR of France – Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India. [Geneva, 15 January 2018]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 29th Session (15-26 January 2018): 3rd UPR of France – Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India. [Geneva, 15 January 2018]

Mr. President

 India thanks the delegation of France for the presentation of its National Report.

 2.    While instances of discrimination based on racism are a clear violation of the principle of equality, we recognise the efforts made under the French National Action Plan to Combat Racism and Anti-Semitism 2015-2017 to fight racial discrimination and xenophobia. We would recommend their continuation and further strengthening.

3.       We note the numerous positive steps taken to achieve gender parity, reduction in gender based violence and discrimination.

 4.       Exploitation of children remains a matter of concern. We recommend that France adopt a suitable action plan to combat all forms of trafficking and exploitation of children.

5.         We wish the delegation of France all success.

  Thank you Mr. President.