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Statement by H.E. Mr. Ajit Kumar, Ambassador & Permanent Representative at the General Segment of 34th session of Human Rights Council - 1.3.2017




(27 February-24 March 2017)


 (01 March 2017) 

Statement by H.E. Mr. Ajit Kumar, Ambassador & Permanent Representative of India to United Nations Offices and other International Organizations in Geneva


Mr. President, 

      Let me begin by congratulating you and the Bureau.  India assures strong support for the work of the Council. We also acknowledge the efforts of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and his Office towards promotion and protection of human rights. 

2. The Council remains the premier human rights body within the UN system. It is our responsibility to ensure that the activities of the Council are indeed contributing to the core mandate of ‘promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all’. In this regard, a wider participation in Council’s deliberations is crucial for its success. And it is for this reason that India decided to contribute, apart from its usual contributions to the OHCHR, an addition sum of US$ 50,000 for the participation of SIDS/LDCs in this Session. 

3. We remain steadfast in our belief that promotion and protection of human rights can be best pursued through dialogue and cooperation. It is this belief that informs our approach to the Council’s functioning. A wider acceptance of this fundamental tenet can help Council evolve into a truly effective platform for promoting human rights. 

4. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a charter for development that comes with common but differentiated responsibilities. In a globalized world the silos in which the international relations seemed to have worked have been left redundant. Thus, the interconnectedness of peace & security, development and human rights needs to be well appreciated. By the same logic, the solutions to our global problem do overlap across our present silos. A focus on development is likely to show an improved human rights record (UNSG). In this regard, the Council’s decision to appoint a Special Rapporteur on the right to development is an initiative that we commend and support.

Mr. President, 

5. Members will recognize the irony of a nation that has established a well-earned reputation of being a global epicentre of terrorism holding forth on human rights. Terrorism is the grossest violation of human rights.  For the last two decades, the most wanted terrorists of the world have found succour and sustenance in Pakistan. 

6. The fundamental reason for disturbances in parts of Jammu & Kashmir is cross-border terrorism aided and abetted by Pakistan. For many years now, Pakistan carried out an intense campaign to destabilize the situation in the Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir by promoting infiltration and cross-border terrorism; inciting, promoting and glorifying violence and unrest in the Indian State; and raking up the matter through baseless allegations.    

7. Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part of India and the situation there is our internal matter. The Central Government and democratically elected State Government have led a system-wide effort last year to restore normalcy in the State in the wake of Pakistan-supported violent unrest.  The robust and mature Indian democracy proved once again that it has sufficiently strong and adequate mechanisms to redress any internal difficulties even if they are incited from outside.  Prime Minister of India had announced a US$ 12 billion package which is being fast tracked.  Normalcy has returned as 99% of the students of Jammu & Kashmir had taken their high school examinations and schools have reopened.    

8. I would also like to point out that Pakistan’s unwarranted references to United National Security Council resolutions are grossly misleading as Pakistan was required to vacate the parts of the State of Jammu & Kashmir under its illegal and forced occupation. 

9. Pakistan has created terrorist outfits against India. This monster is now devouring its own creator. 

Mr. President,                                                                      

10. As the world’s largest democracy with a high degree of diversity, India remains committed to the idea of a just and equitable society. To conclude, we will continue to participate actively in the work of the Council with a view to enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency.


Thank you.
