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Statement by India at the 34th Session of the Human Rights Council during the Panel discussion on Access to Medicines delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam, Second Secretary om 8 March 2017


Permanent Mission of India, Geneva 

Statement by India at the 34th Session of the Human Rights Council

During the Panel discussion on Access to Medicines delivered by Dr. Sadre Alam,

 Second Secretary om 8 March 2017  

Mr. Chair, 

      We welcome this panel discussion on key challenges and opportunities on access to medicines. The UNSG's HLP report is the most recent and most comprehensive analysis on the subject. We congratulate the Panel for their bold effort. It's unfortunate that some members and even WHO are undermining any discussion on the report. 

2. This Council has clearly established that States have an obligation to not only respect but also protect and fulfill the right to health, of which the right to access to affordable medicines is an integral component. If we are serious about achieving SDG 3 including Universal Health Coverage by 2030, we should squarely address the policy incoherence between public health, human rights, IPR and trade regimes, that has allowed exploitation of the rights of millions of people to affordable medicines and also plagued the medical innovation system. 

3. The HLP report recommends all governments to regularly review their access policies in light of human rights principles and also to ensure that bilateral and regional trade agreements do not include provisions that interfere with their obligations to fulfil the right to health. OHCHR and other UN entities have a duty to assist Member States in this regard. 

4. India is committed to promote access to affordable medicines for all and believes that IPR protection and public health priorities are not mutually exclusive. As recently as last month, our National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has taken a landmark decision to drastically cut the prices of medical stents. 

Mr. Chair, 

5. Mahatma Gandhi once said that whenever you are in doubt or when the self becomes too much with you, recall the face of the poorest and the weakest person, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him/her. We continue to be guided by this talisman. We hope it also inspires this Council and its members and that the right to health is set as the benchmark for achieving policy coherence among all actors involved in medical innovation and access. 

Thank you

