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Address by Hon'ble Minister of State (IC) for Labour and Employment, Shri Bandaru Dattatreya at the NAM Labour Ministers' Meeting during 105th International Labour Conference, Geneva, 30 May - 10 June 2016.

105thInternational Labour Conference
Geneva, 30 May - 10 June 2016

NAM Labour Ministers’ Meeting
(7 June 2016)

Address by Hon'ble MoS(IC) for Labour and Employment,

Thank you Mr. Chairman,

His Excellency Minister of Labour of Iran
Distinguished colleagues from NAM member states,
Ladies and gentlemen,

  1. The forum of NAM holds a special place for India for its historic ties as well as for the principles that it upholds. We continue to be committed to these. We compliment Iran for its efficient leadership of this forum and for this opportunity for all of us to meet and exchange our views on the emerging challenges in the world of work.
  2. The Report by Director General, ILO on "End of the Poverty" Initiative and the theme of the World of Work Summit focusing on Decent Jobs for Youth underline the importance of both these issues for the world at large and particularly for developing and least developed countries.
  3. The 2030 Development Agenda has acknowledged the centrality of Employment Generation to the inclusive and sustainable development. We are also happy that the agenda recognises the prerogative of the national governments to adopt indicators for reviewing their own progress in view of the national capacities and priorities.

Mr. Chairman,

  1. Employment Generation is the biggest priority and challenge for India. We have a very large young population, which has a potential to turn into demographic dividend, if their capabilities are optimally harnessed. Other challenge for India include a low participation rate particularly for women, incidence of large scale informality, low skill set and lack of information in the labour market.
  2. We recognise skill development and social protection as the principle policy response for the transition to formality. Upgrading the skills of the workforce not only takes them to a higher wage cycle and quality jobs but also enables them to make the transition from informality. Social protection is relevant for India not only as a tool against poverty but also because it provides the much needed support to the vulnerable segments of the workforce who otherwise have to fall back on distress jobs leading to large scale underemployment which is another characteristic of developing and less developed economy.
  3. Government of India is further committed to provide job security, wage security and social security to each and every worker. We are working with a comprehensive approach as envisaged in our Make in India initiative to encourage domestic industry, encourage large scale foreign investment, promoting MSMEs and entrepreneurship with the aim of generating large scale employment in formal sector. We are creating conducive environment for businesses through ease of compliance. We are using technology in a big way to ensure more and effective enforcement of labour laws.
  4. In addition, we are strengthening our public employment services platform through effective use of Information technology. The National Career Service Portal already hosts more than 35 million job seekers and 1 million job providers. We are developing model career centres where trained employment officers will help the youth entering the labour market with information on vacancies, counselling, and training. It will also help keep a track of their career progression through their career cycle. We invite fellow NAM countries to visit and utilise this platform for posting their national vacancies, which will help us create a job repository for our youth and facilitate informed movement of skilled workforce.

Mr. Chairman,

  • India is a founding member of ILO and I would like to end by reiterating our commitment to the founding principle of ILO that social justice is essential for lasting peace. We look forward to continued dialogue between NAM countries to establish more effective channels of cooperation and sharing of best practices.
  • I thank you!