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Statement by India on 26 January 2016 at WHO Executive Board - 138th Session, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-30 January 2016: Agenda item 5.3: Draft Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors

Permanent Mission of India, Geneva

WHO Executive Board - 138th Session
25-30 January 2016

Agenda item 5.3: Draft Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors
(26 January 2016)

Statement by India
Madam Chair,

1.   The Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors (FENSA) has been engaging our attention for quite some time now. The Chair has already informed us of the number of hours spent on this issue. However, this underlines the importance, which all Member States attach for achieving the correct and consensus outcomes. Despite lengthy and complex negotiations, considerable progress has been made. We congratulate Argentina for the excellent leadership provided while chairing the negotiations.

2.   The recommendations of the PBAC for preparation of an implications report, in our view, may unnecessarily complicate the process of achieving consensus. In fact, the implications report may tantamount to prejudging issues and is likely to provide fodder for more prolonged negotiations and may be reopening of many agreed issues. Besides, the Secretariat is surely not underworked, so why burden them with more work at this stage!

3.   However, the open-ended meeting now envisaged in April 2016 prior to the WHA gives us hope of covering the entire ground for an agreed text reflecting the consensus of all Member States.

4.   India maintains that if there is consensus on the basic principles underlying FENSA, and we believe there is already broad understanding, consensus on the text of the document should not elude us. What we now need and hopefully will achieve in the April 2016 meeting is examining the not yet green text against the acid test of these basic principles. Of particular significance are the principles of not compromising on WHO's decision making processes, no conflict of interest, non-dilution of the role, authority and position of Member States, and recognition that non-state actors are varied and an identical yard stick can not be used to deal with all non-state actors.

Madam Chair,

5.   Our delegation will continue to play constructive role towards arriving at an agreed, comprehensive FENSA document.

I thank you Madam Chair.
