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Statement delivered by India at Special Session of the Executive Board on the Ebola Emergency (resolution EBSS3.R1) on 26.01.2016 at Geneva under the agenda item 9.1: Update on Ebola outbreak - R&D Blue print for Emergency Preparedness: Agenda item 9.1: 2014 Ebola outbreak and issues raised: follow up to the and the Sixty-eight World Health Assembly (decision WHA(10))

Permanent Mission of India, Geneva

WHO Executive Board – 138th Session
25-30 January 2016

Agenda item 9.1: 2014 Ebola outbreak and issues raised: follow up to the Special Session of the Executive Board on the Ebola Emergency (resolution EBSS3.R1) and the Sixty-eight World Health Assembly (decision WHA(10))

Options for strengthening information-sharing on diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic products and enhancing WHO's capacity to facilitate access to these products, including the establishment of a global database, starting with hemorrhagic fevers

Madam chair,

1.   We thank the Secretariat for its report and take note of the WHO R&D blue print for strengthening R&D for epidemic causing pathogens. The R&D efforts led by WHO in the context of Ebola outbreak have clearly demonstrated that WHO has the capability and the convening power to accelerate R&D efforts.

2.   The proposed R&D Blue print mentions important elements of prioritization, development of an operation plan, gap analysis and identification of priorities, coordinating with various stakeholders and funding options. All of these are directly relevant to the discussions we having under the CEWG agenda. It is important that the principles of CEWG in terms of open access, de-linkage, accessibility, affordability and equity are fully integrated into these processes. However, we note that the report is completely silent on access and timely availability of new vaccines and medical products developed through these R&D efforts. WHO should look how the provisions of Nagoya protocol will hep in ensuring the equitable sharing of benefits from such R&D efforts. We request Secretariat to look into these linkages when presenting the report requested yesterday on IHR and Nagoya protocol.

Madam Chair,

3.   We also draw attention to para 33 of the Ebola Special Resoltuion which requested the DG, WHO to share details of financing and distribution on Ebola drugs and vaccines. We are still awaiting information on this.

4.   Open data and transparency are important. They should apply to the cycle of innovation and development and include a clear access policy.

Thank you Madam Chair.
