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Statement made by Ambassador and Permanent Representative of India to UN H.E. Mr. Ajit Kumar at 31st Session of Human Rights Council Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights.


31st Session (29 February-24 March 2016)
Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights
(10th March 2016)

Statement by India

Thank you Mr. President,

We thank the High Commissioner for his presentation and OHCHR for their detailed Annual Report.

2. Cooperation with States in tackling the worst forms of human rights violations require sharing of best practices, exchange of information and financial and capacity-building assistance. All these need adequate funds. India made a modest voluntary contribution to support the efforts of the OHCHR. We continue to be concerned at the persistent shortfalls in allocations from regular budget for the OHCHR. In this connection, we reiterate our call for greater allocation of funds from the regular budget to the OHCHR.

3. We appreciate the various OHCHR programmes of capacity building and technical assistance offered to Member States. We are encouraged by the fact that countries have become more open to engaging with the OHCHR and are seeking its assistance. A key underlying principle for extending such assistance programmes should be the readiness of the Member State concerned to receive it. Such an arrangement alone can give best value for monies spent and for productive outcomes.

4. The migration/refugee crisis is acquiring grave proportions. We note with concern that the subject matter in some quarters is treated merely as a migratory phenomenon, whereas the UNHCR is forthright in characterizing it as a grave refugee crisis. We commend the efforts of the High Commissioner and the OHCHR in highlighting the serious violations of human rights and problems caused by various measures taken by countries including by way of imposition of border controls.

5. We appreciate the programmes launched by the OHCHR to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. We hope the Office will continue to pay commensurate attention to the plight of Roma within its anti-discrimination agenda.

6. We note that the annual report provides in some detail various activities undertaken by the OHCHR on Secretary General’s Right Up Front Plan of Action. We encourage OHCHR to continue to provide more details, and greater transparency would allay concerns many Member States may have on this initiative.

7. We note that the High Commissioner has indeed sought to address the imbalance in emphasis on various rights by the OHCHR. Given the ominous lingering effects of the global and financial crisis still persisting, where many people have lost their access to work, affordable food, housing, water and other basic necessities, we would to see greater emphasis on effectively addressing economic, social and cultural rights in the activities of the OHCHR.

8. As we are now observing the 30th anniversary of adoption of the Right to Development, we would request for further intensification of OHCHR’s programmes and activities in respect of the RTD. This also will contribute for effective realization of the SDGs in the coming years.

I thank you Mr. President.
