Thank you, Mr. Chairman
India has the honour to deliver this opening statement on behalf of Asia and the Pacific Group.
At the outset, my group would like to congratulate you and the two Vice-Chairs for assuming a crucial and if I may add a delicate responsibility of steering this Inter-Governmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore. We have worked very closely with you as the Friend of Chair. We are happy to see you again in this new and expanded role. We would also like to put on record our appreciation for the Secretariat for the support provided by them in the preparation of this meeting. It is important to acknowledge, the role played by the President of WIPO General Assembly, Ambassador Gabriel Duque, prior to this meeting.
Mr. Chairman
All through these years, the mandate of the IGC has been repeatedly extended and renewed. We may have paused, but we have not stopped, and we will continue our journey with perseverance till we find a just and equitable solution to the concerns of all members.
Asia and the Pacific Region is known for its abundance, its mega-diversity, its traditions and traditional knowledge These assets and strengths continue to be an essential factor in our societies and culture. That is why our Group attaches great importance to the issues being discussed at the IGC.
Asia and the Pacific Group believes that the international IP legal system should develop and evolve in a balanced manner to ensure its sustainability. Most of the Member States from our Group consider that no balance would be struck without having a legally binding instrument on important questions of GR, TK and TCEs. For these Member States, the conclusion of such a binding treaty or treaties would provide them the necessary effective protection against the misappropriation and ensure their future sustainable and legitimate use.
The misappropriation of Genetic Resources and associated traditional knowledge could be adequately addressed through the establishment of a mechanism that guarantees appropriate benefit-sharing. Utilization or exploitation of these resources should be based on Prior Informed consent reached through Mutually Agreed Terms.
In addition, the Members of the Asia Pacific Group also recognize the importance of instituting databases and other information systems with IP offices, so that it is helpful for the IP offices to avoid the granting of erroneous Intellectual Property Rights especially for GR and associated traditional knowledge.
Mr. Chairman
Most of the Member States from our Group believe that it is necessary for the IGC to explore the possibility of establishing an effective mandatory disclosure requirement, which would protect Genetic Resources, their derivatives and associated Traditional Knowledge against misappropriation.
Mr. Chairman
The first meeting IGC took place in the year 2001. IGC has reached the proverbial "sweet-fifteen". It marks a critical time for a teenager. A time to say goodbye to adolescence and juvenility. A time to embrace maturity and wisdom. My friends from Latin America have this remarkable tradition. They celebrate 15 years with a Traditional Ceremony, which in Spanish in called "Quinceañera," a ceremony which has its origins from the Aztec culture around 500 B.C. It is a tradition of good omen. We hope that this year brings good luck to IGC, and the delegations are able to arrive at mutual understanding.
With these words, I conclude by giving you an assurance Mr. Chairman that my group will contribute in an effective, efficient and constructive manner in this session towards achieving the objectives of IGC for a satisfactory conclusion.
I thank you once again for the opportunity.