General statement by India during the consideration of the draft resolution on National Human Rights Institutions (L25) General statement by India during the consideration of the draft resolution on National Human Rights..

General statement by India during the consideration of the draft resolution on National Human Rights Institutions (L25)

Permanent Mission of India, Geneva

27th Session of the Human Rights Council

(8-28 September 2014)

Consideration of Resolutions/Decisions under Agenda Item 5: Resolution on National Human Rights Institutions

(25 September 2014)

General Statement by India


Mr. President,

1. India strongly supports the strengthening of national human rights institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights in the country. In Council’s efforts to assist and strengthen the work of the NHRIs, we must exercise caution and avoid overzealousness, which could inadvertently or otherwise leading to undermining the independence, integrity and operational autonomy in their activities in their own countries. We should also avoid giving the impression that they are in any way subsidiary to any of the UN bodies including the Human Right’s Council.


2. In the draft resolution under consideration, there are certain provisions that are overly prescriptive on matters that touch on the nature and conduct of national human rights institutions. It must be borne in mind that the role and nature of NHRIs are clearly defined in national legislations establishing them. The resolution purports to attribute definite roles, including placing NHRIs as an intermediary between Governments and the UN. We should sincerely avoid such attempts keeping in view the unique role of the NHRIs in the national level human rights architecture.

3. We would therefore urge the main sponsors of this resolution to remain attentive to these dimensions concerning NHRIs and reconsider their approach in future.


Thank you Mr. President.