Statement by India at the UPR of Costa Rica - 05 May, 2014 Statement by India at the UPR of Costa Rica - 05 May, 2014

Statement by India at the UPR of Costa Rica - 05 May, 2014



[5 May 2014: 0900 – 1230 hrs]



Mr. President,

1. India warmly welcomes the delegation of Costa Rica led by H.E. Mrs GiocondaUbeda Rivera, Deputy Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs and worshipand thanks it for its National Report and presentation on the follow-up action to the first cycle of UPR recommendations.


2. We commend the establishment of a permanent inter-agency commission to ensure follow up and compliance to international human rights obligations of Costa Rica and appreciate the participatory process it has followed in bringing out its National Report.


3. We welcomethe measures taken by the Government of Costa Rica to promote inclusive social practices and respect for diversity and take positive note of the recently launched National Policy for a Society free of Racism, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia.We recommend further intensification of its efforts to eliminate structural racism and racial discrimination in all its forms.


4. We share the concerns expressed by CERD and the Special Rapporteuron the rights of indigenous peoples on the continued violence against and marginalisation of indigenous peoples of Costa Rica. We recommendthat Costa Rica take concrete measures toprotect the rights and promote the development of indigenous people while ensuring their full participation in the decision making and implementation of policies that affect them.


5. We acknowledge the challenges faced by Costa Rica in fulfilling its human rights obligations due to rising poverty and economic disparities in the country. We encouragemeasures to ensure equitable access to education and health services in particular to the vulnerable groups.


6. We welcome the establishment of the National Coalition against migrant smuggling and human trafficking as a comprehensive legal framework to combat trafficking in persons. We recommendthat Costa Rica take measures to ensure their effective implementation and improve assistance to victims of trafficking especially women and young girls.


7. We commend Costa Rica for adopting a human rights-based approach to protecting the environment and its successful initiatives in afforestation and sustainable tourism.


8. We appreciate Costa Rica’s deep commitment to strengthening Human Rights and wish it well in all its future endeavours.


Thank you, Mr President.

